Though, although, even though....yet

Though, although, even though....yet

All the above mentioned pairs are co-relative conjunctions.

When though / although / even though is used with a verb, which is in the subjunctive mood, mainly expressing doubt, a condition contrary to a fact, a wish, or

a concession, it should be followed by yet. Yet actually means still.


Even though she spoke to me rudely, yet I will be polite to her.

Or, Although the students were allowed a fifteen minute break, yet none of them left the room.

Test your understanding - Choose the correct sentence from the pair of sentences given below.

a. Though they were good friends, they quarrelled often.
b. Though they were good friends, yet they quarrelled often.

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ANSWER: 2. Though they were good friends, yet they quarrelled often.

a. Even though all the students were in class, yet there was pin-drop silence.
b. Even all the students were in class, yet there was pin-drop silence.

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ANSWER: 1. Even though all the students were in class, yet there was pin-drop silence.

a. Although our teacher was very angry with us yesterday, yet she was her normal self today.
b. Although our teacher was very angry with us yesterday, yet was her normal self today.

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ANSWER: 1. Although our teacher was very angry with us yesterday, yet she was her normal self today.

a. Though he did agreed with me completely, yet he went along to help and support me.
b. Though he did not agree with me completely, yet he went along to help and support me.

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ANSWER: 2. Though he did not agree with me completely, yet he went along to help and support me.

a. Although Kolkata is less populated than Mumbai, yet there are more people on the roads.
b. Although Kolkata is less populated than Mumbai, yet there more people on the roads.

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ANSWER: 1. Although Kolkata is less populated than Mumbai, yet there are more people on the roads.

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