Until, Till, As long as

Until, Till, As long as

Until is a preposition that specifies up until the time of; and also as a conjunction stipulating before, or to the point or extent that;


The young boy played with his X-Box until midnight.

Or, He was unable to study until the noise next door stopped.

Till: is also a preposition and used to indicate time not earlier than or upto.

Martin studied till 2 am for his approaching English exam.

Or, She was watching TV till her husband returned home from office.

As long as is a conjunction that indicates – during the time that or on in condition that-


I will stay at the hospital with you as long as you need me.

Or, I will be on time for the seminar as long as I am notified in advance about it.

Test your understanding - Choose the correct sentence from the pair of sentences given below

a. As long as you study with total focus, you will attain good marks.
b. Until you study with total focus, you will attain good marks.

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ANSWER: b. Until you study with total focus, you will attain good marks.

a. The Doctor asked me to stay in bed until Monday.
b. The Doctor asked me to stay in bed as long as Monday.

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ANSWER: a. The Doctor asked me to stay in bed until Monday.

3. a. Any pain that lasts as long as 4 hours in an aged person’s body must be checked by the doctor.
b. Any pain that lasts till 4 hours in an aged person’s body must be checked by the doctor.

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ANSWER: a. Any pain that lasts as long as 4 hours in an aged person’s body must be checked by the doctor.

a. I love playing basketball and hope to enjoy playing it as long as I can.
b. I love playing basketball and hope to enjoy playing it till I can.

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ANSWER: a. I love playing basketball and hope to enjoy playing it as long as I can.

a. My passport is valid till June 2015
b. My passport is valid as long as June 2015.

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ANSWER: a. My passport is valid till June 2015

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