Value of current in circuit consisting of two oppositely connected ideal diodes in parallel

What will be the value of current in the following circuit consisting of two oppositely connected ideal diodes in parallel?

Ideal Diodes in Parallel Combination

a. 1 A
b. 2A
c. 5 A
d. 15 A

Correct Answer: a. 1 A


According to the circuit configuration, the diode D1 seems to be an open switch and connected in reversed biasing. Hence, diode D1 does not conduct and therefore, the current does not flow through it across the resistance of 20 ohm.
Another diode D2 connected in parallel configuration is forward-biased and therefore it acts as a closed switch. Hence, it conducts the current across the 10 ohm resistor . The current flowing through the circuit can be evaluated by;

I = V / R ….....( By Ohm's Law)
= V / ( R1 + R2)
= 15 / ( 5 + 10)
= 15 / 15 = 1 A

Thus, 1A is the only current flowing through the above drawn circuit configuration.
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