What do food technologists do?

What kind of work do food technologists do?

Food technologists and engineers monitor the manufacturing, preservation, packaging, processing, canning and distribution of food products. This requires treatment raw materials which involves careful selection, cleaning of raw material, processing of raw material that requires crushing, chopping, mixing, blanching, cutting or cooking of food item, it is followed by addition of preservatives and additives, after which the packaging of food item is done and finally it is distributed. Food technologists are responsible for:

• Monitoring of task right from the selection of raw materials to its distribution.

• To determine if a specified protocol for processing, manufacturing and preservation of food item is being followed.

• To improve working techniques and adopting new methods to achieve maximum production.

• To keep in check the quality of the food item, this involves careful monitoring of each step involved in the process so that the food item that is dispatched to the market is fresh and up to the standards as defined by FDI.

• To identify and report any contamination, adulteration of food products.

• To maintain the nutrition content of the food products being processed.

• You will also be responsible for the storage condition of the food and also the hygiene of the environment around the manufacturing plant, laboratories and the storage room.
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  • RE: Good careers about food technology -kwanele khumalo (01/12/18)
  • I want to become a food technology if I complete my studies