What good books have you read lately?

What good books have you read lately?

This is not a usual question unless you are up for a position in academia or as book critic. But if you come across such question, you can talk about any work related book that you gone through if any.

You can also talk about any other books that you have recently read. If you are not a book freak, you can state that you usually hook to the newspaper.
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  • RE: What good books have you read lately? -Farhana Afreen (07/06/15)
  • Did you mention reading books in the interests section of your resume or application form? Or did you include passion for books in any of the answers to previous questions? If yes, you definitely know why this treacherous question is put forth. So now that there is no backing off, you'd better be prepared to name a good book that you must have read in the past, if not recently. Along with this you can be a little honest and say that since you don't get much time to read, you stick to books that you read before and inspired you to the extent of making you read them over and over again.
    For avid readers this is one of the best questions they can be asked. You can name a book that you currently read and find it of reference or useful in any way at work. If you are into academics and literature and the work also involves the same, you would better name a book that you are thoroughly acquainted with, just in case the interviewer asks further questions related to it. You obviously don't want to land yourself in a situation where you forgot the name of the lead protagonist of the book you said you recently read.
    Non readers can mention business books, biographies, or any kind of book you came across to be of help in your career. However, some people stop reading books altogether once their academic sessions are over. If you are one of those, instead of making a fool out of your answer, go for the honest way and tell them that you don't get enough time to read and mostly rely on newspapers, magazines, blogs for staying updated with time.