What is the eligibility criterion for pursuing company secretary as a career option through ICSI?

What is the eligibility criterion for pursuing company secretary as a career option through ICSI?

ICSI (The Institute of Company Secretaries of India) gives an opportunity to all the aspiring candidates to pursue a course to become a qualified company secretary by conducting the Company Secretary Exam (CS).

CS exam is conducted twice a year – June and December. There is a eligibility criterion that needs to be fulfilled to be able to appear for this exam:

- The candidate should have cleared 10+2 exams. If students are awaiting results they are also allowed to get themselves registered for it.
- Students who have cleared CA (Chartered accountancy) – CPT (Common Proficiency Test) or have cleared CMA Foundation exams or students who have a master’s degree in any course\fields other than Fine Arts are exempt from appearing CS Foundation Exams.

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