What is the eligibility criterion to get into investment management?

What is the eligibility criterion to get into investment management?

Obtain at least a bachelor's degree in finance, business or economics from an accredited college or university or an accredited business institute. Pursue a graduate certification such as the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation to increase your chances of success in finding employment and moving up in the field of investment management. Gain experience in the financial field by working in a bank or in corporate finance. Become familiar with long-range and short-range returns, risk, and diversification and investment styles.
Gain experience in the financial field by working in a bank or in corporate finance. Become familiar with long-range and short-range returns, risk, and diversification and investment styles. Seek employment in banks, investment firms, trust companies, insurance companies or corporate financial departments. Decide if you wish to manage smaller, personal portfolios or take on large investments such as corporate pension funds or mutual funds.
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