Why the need for XHTML? - XML

Why the need for XHTML?

What is XHTML?

- It is the next version of the HTML.

- It is the next step evolution of the Internet.

- XHTML stands for Extensible HyperText Markup Language.

- It helps to web developers to make the transition from HTML to XML.

- These elements always be closed.

- In the declaration of XHTML is mandatory.

Need for XHTML:

- If a script in an HTML document is not well formed, small devices like mobile phones fail to display the content properly.

- Also, upgrading all the browsers to support XML is a timely affair. An intermediate solution is XHTML that is a combination of HTML and XML.

- In XHTML the content has to be well formed so that there is no bad HTML.

- It gives you a more consistent, well-structured format.

- It defines a quality standard for your webpages.

- It combines strength of HTML and XML.
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