MySQL - What are storage engines? Explain storage engines supported

What are storage engines? Explain storage engines supported in MySQL

Storage engines are used to manage the database of the MySQL.

Following are the storage engines supported by MySQL:-

1. MyISAM Storage Engine - MySQL default storage engine. Based on ISAM database concept. MyISAM is not transaction safe.
2. InnoDB Storage Engine - A transaction safe storage engine developed by Innobase Oy (an Oracle company).
3. BDB (BerkeleyDB) Storage Engine - A transaction safe storage engine originally developed at U.C. Berkeley. Sleepycat Software, Inc. was created in 1996 to continue BDB development. Sleepycat is an Oracle company now.
4. CSV Storage Engine - A simple storage engine storing data as text files using comma-separated values format.
5. MEMORY (HEAP) Storage Engine Storage Engine - A storage engine storing data in computer main memory.
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