Why ATL Server?

Why ATL Server?

- ATL Server is a set of native C++ classes that allows developers to create Web applications, XML Web services, and other server applications.

- Many classes may also be used in client applications or components.

- It provides the functionalities required to build large scale internet sites like:

1. SOAP messaging
2. Caching facilities
3. Threading facilities
4. Regular expression processing
5. Management of session-state
6. Performance monitoring
7. MIME support
8. Integration with IIS and class for interacting with security
9. Cryptographic infrastructure.
What is SRF Files? Explain with an example
What is SRF Files? - SRF files contain HTML and script tags denoted by the {{ opening and }} closing braces........
What is the information that SRFs typically contain?
What is the information that SRFs typically contain? - SRF files contain HTML and script tags denoted by the {{ opening and }} closing braces.......
Main components of the ATL Server project
Components of the ATL Server project - There can be many Web application DLLs in a virtual directory which can provide one or more named request handlers.........
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