Why should we hire you? - BPO FAQ

How long would you expect to work for us if given an opportunity?

This question aims to find out your stability and see if you would jump at the first opportunity offered to you. To answer this question, you can just say that, “I intend to stay as long as I’m learning and growing & both of us are happy with the work.”

Why should we hire you?

To answer this question, you need to prepare well in advance. Read through the requirements of the job properly and match the qualities, skills and experience you have with the requirement. Now offer this as a reason for you to be hired.

Do you think you can work under pressure?

Work and pressure are always going to co-exist. It might be the pressure at work or on personal front but you should be able to deal with it. So, the answer to this question should be “Yes” backed up with some example where you worked under pressure.
If you were hiring for this position, what qualities would you look for? - BPO FAQ
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What is your expected salary? - BPO FAQ
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Would you like to ask any questions? - BPO FAQ
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BPO Interview
When answering the question about reasons to hire you - make sure that you have a example or two from real life ready to back up your answer.
Alka Mehta 11-7-2011