Business Activity Services (BAS) - Biztalk

What is Business Activity Services (BAS)?

Trading Partner Management

1. Information workers Manage trading partner relationships within organizations.
2. Business Activity Services include a Trading Partner Management (TPM) component to allow them do those.
3. TPM database stores information about trading relationships.
4. Information workers can create and modify agreements with trading partners who use BizTalk Server.

Business Process Configuration

1. Information worker can set parameters for an orchestration that implements a business process, which a business analyst may not be able to create.
2. Developer creating an orchestration can define parameters for an orchestration to enable information workers configure it. An information worker sets those parameters using the TPM service by specifying their values in the partner’s agreement.

What is Business Activity Services (BAS)?

A business analyst might be needed for creation of a relationship with a new trading partner. A purchasing manager might be needed some tools which can wrap together and distribute the artifacts needed for letting a partner quickly implement the business process. These functions are provided in BizTalk server.

MS Windows SharePoint Services, IE, MS Excel and MS InfoPath provide a user interface to all the services. As Business Activity Services need to be utilized by business people, these are exposed through these similar tools. Two different software components are available behind the common interface, whose services are exposed using SOAP.
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