Message routing and Content routing - Biztalk

What is Message routing and Content routing?

Content-based routing: A BizTalk Server business process involves receiving, processing, and sending messages. Some messages do not require intensive processing in an orchestration. They can benefit from a simpler and more efficient solution called Content-based routing.

Content-based routing provides flexibility for users who want to route messages based on envelope properties or on receive port configuration properties. Routing can be performed based on information contained in the envelope of the document or even configuration information from the receive location.

In a scenario of Content-based routing you can create a filter on the send port that checks the receive location specified in the envelope. If it matches the filter expression, it is routed to the send port without going through orchestration.

Message-based routing: A message is passed through BizTalk without being processed then it is called Message Routing.

What is Message routing and Content routing?

Message routing is a method of passing through BizTalk without being processed.
Content routing is a method of passing of the message which is based on certain field value of the schema.
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