What is overloading unary operator? - C++

What is overloading unary operator?

- Unary operators are those which operate on a single variable. Overloading unary operator means extending the operator’s original functionality to operate upon object of the class. The declaration of a overloaded unary operator function precedes the word operator.
- For example, consider class 3D which has data members x, y and z and overloaded increment operators :
class 3D
   int x, y, z;
       3D (int a=0, int b=0, int c=0)
          x = a;
          y = b;
          z = c;

   3D operator ++() //unary operator ++ overloaded
       x = x + 1;
       y = y + 1;
       z = z + 1;
       return *this;    //this pointer which points to the caller object

   3D operator ++(int) //use of dummy argument for post increment operator
       3D t = *this;
       x = x + 1;
       y = y + 1;
       z = z + 1;
       return t;    //return the original object
   3D show()
       cout<<”The elements are:\n”
       cout<<”x:”<<this→x<<”, y:<<this→y <<”, z:”<<this→z;
int main()
   3D pt1(2,4,5), pt2(7,1,3);
   cout<<”Point one’s dimensions before increment are:”<< pt1.show();
   ++pt1; //The overloaded operator function ++() will return object’s this pointer
   cout<<”Point one’s dimensions after increment are:”<< pt1.show();
   cout<<”Point two’s dimensions before increment are:”<< pt2.show();
   pt2++; //The overloaded operator function ++() will return object’s this pointer
   cout<<”Point two’s dimensions after increment are:”<< pt2.show();
   return 0;
- The output would be :
Point one’s dimensions before increment are:
x:2, y:4, z:5
Point one’s dimensions after increment are:
x:3, y:5, z:6
Point two’s dimensions before increment are:
x:7, y:1, z:3
Point two’s dimensions after increment are:
x:7, y:1, z:3
- Please note in case of post increment, the operator function increments the value; but returns the original value since it is post increment.
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