What is an Exception in .NET?

What is an Exception in .NET?

- Exceptions are errors that occur during the runtime of a program.
- The advantage of using exceptions is that the program doesn’t terminate due to the occurrence of the exception.
- Whenever an exception is occurred the .NET runtime throws an object of specified type of Exception.
- The class ‘Exception’ is the base class of all the exceptions.

Here are a few common types of exceptions:

- ArgumentException
- ArgumentNullException
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException
- DuplicateWaitObjectException
- ArithmeticException
- DivideByZeroException
- OverflowException
- NotFiniteNumberException
- ArrayTypeMismatchException
- ExecutionEngineException
- FormatException
- IndexOutOfRangeException
- InvalidCastException
- InvalidOperationException
- ObjectDisposedException
- InvalidProgramException
- IOIOException
- IODirectoryNotFoundException
- IOEndOfStreamException
- IOFileLoadException
- IOFileNotFoundException
- IOPathTooLongException
- NotImplementedException
- NotSupportedException
- NullReferenceException
- OutOfMemoryException
- RankException
- SecuritySecurityException
- SecurityVerificationException
- StackOverflowException
- ThreadingSynchronizationLockException
- ThreadingThreadAbortException
- ThreadingThreadStateException
- TypeInitializationException
- UnauthorizedAccessException

It is a runtime error which occurs because of unexpected and invalid code execution.
.Net had enhanced exception handling features. All exceptions inherit from System.Exception.
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