Describe the .Net base class library - DOT.NET

Describe the .Net base class library.

- It is a library of classes, interfaces, and value types.

- This library system functionality and is the foundation of .NET Framework applications, components, and controls are built.

- The .NET base class library exists in order to encapsulate a huge number of common functions and makes them easily accessible to the developer.

- It provides the functionality like ADO.NET, XML, Threading, IO, Security, Diagnostics, Resources, Globalization, collections etc.

- It serves as the main point of interaction between developer and runtime.

- The .Net base class library provides namespaces which are frequently used, some of them are as follows:
SystemIt contains fundamental classes and base classes that define commonly-used value and reference data types, events and event handlers, interfaces, attributes and processing exceptions.
System.ActivitiesIt contains all the classes necessary to create and work with activities in Windows Workflow Foundation.
System.CollectionsIt contains types that define various standard, specialized and generic collection objects.
System.ConfigurationIt contains types that define various standard, specialized and generic collection objects.
System.DataIt contains classes for accessing and managing data from diverse sources.
System.DeploymentIt contains types that define support deployment of ClickOnce application.
System.EnterpriseServicesIt contains types that define the com+services architechture, which provides an infrastructure for enterprise application.
System.GlobalizationIt contains classes that define culture-related information, including language, country/region, calenders in use, currency.
System.IOIt contains types that support input and output, including the ability to read and write data to streams either synchronously or asynchronously.
System.LinqIt contains types that support queries which is used Language-Integrated Query (LINQ). It includes types that represent queries as objects in expression trees.
System.ManagementIt contains a type that provides access to management information and management events about the system, devices and applications instrumented to the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) infrastructure.
System.NetIt contains classes that provide a simple programming interface for a number of network protocols.
System.PrintingIt contains types that support printing. It provides access to the properties of print system objects.
System.RuntimeIt contains types that support an application's interaction with the common language runtime.
System.SecurityIt contains classes that represent the .Net framework security system and permissions.
System.WindowsIt contains types used in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application, including animation clients, user interface controls, data binding.
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