Classes vs. Structures - DOT.NET

Classes vs Structures.

It is used for large amounts of data.It is used for smaller amounts of data.
It can be inherited.It cannot be inherited.
It can be NULL.It cannot be NULL like the class.
It can have destructor.It cannot have destructor.
It can be abstract.It cannot be abstract.
The keyword for class is 'class'.The keyword for structure is 'struct'.
Class member variables are private by default.Structure members have public access by default.
It contains a volatile field.It cannot contain volatile field.
Fields are automatically initialized.Fields are not automatically initialized.
You cannot use of sizeof operator.You can use sizeof operator.
class <Class_name>
static void main(string[ ] args)
struct <Structure_name>
class A
static void main(string[ ] args)
struct Student
int rollno;
char stud_name;
char address;
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