Define Principal object - .Net Code Security

Define Principal object.

- It represents the security context under which code is running.

- The principal object contains information about a user’s identity and role.

- It represents authenticated users.

- You have a Principal Permission object in .Net framework that specifies user and its role.

- It has Demand() method that checks the current user or principal against the name and role specified in the Principal Permission.

- It encapsulates identity and the role of a user.

- It can be created with the help of identity and role of a user.

There are two types of principal objects:

1. GenericPrincipal
2. WindowsPrincipal

- The role-based security can be implemented with the help of principal objects.

- GenericPrinciple encapsulates the identity object and the role.

- WindowsPrincipal stores identity and the windows group membership of the user.
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