C++ Pointers to the functions interview questions

Explain the use of this pointer - The this keyword is used to represent an object that invokes the member function...
Explain what happens when a pointer is deleted twice - If you delete a pointer and set it to NULL, it it possibly cannot have an adverse effect....
What is a smart pointer? - Smart pointers are objects which store pointers to dynamically allocated (heap) objects..
Difference between an inspector and a mutator - The get() functions are usually refered to as inspectors as that just retrieve the data values from the source....
What is pointer? - A pointer is a variable that holds a memory address....
Pointer to constant vs. pointer constant - Pointer to constant points to a value that does not change and is declared....
What are function pointers? - A function has a physical location in the memory which is the entry point of the function...
What is pointer to member? - This type of pointer is called a pointer to a class member or a pointer-to-member....
What is const pointer and const reference? - const pointer is a pointer which you don’t want to be pointed to a different value.....
What is NULL pointer and void pointer and what is their use? - A NULL pointer has a fixed reserved value that is not zero or space, which indicates that no object is referred.....