Transactional attributes that the EJB supports

Explain the transactional attributes that the EJB supports.

Required: This is the default transaction attribute that ensures the methods are invoked within Java Transaction API transaction context. Required makes the transactional context used by the bean. If not the new context will be created.

RequiredNew: RequiredNew is used when the required results of the transactions to be committed irrespective of the caller’s transactions.

Mandatory: In the situation when the method absolutely requires an existing transaction.

Supports: Supports attribute when the methods do not change database or update the atomicity without the concern of the update of the transaction.

NotSupported: At the time of enterprise bean access a resource manager with or without the support of the external transaction coordination or not supported by the J2EE product, the NotSupported attribute is used.

Never: When the methods that are not capable of participating in transactions are not accessible by a transactional client, Never is used.

Bean-managed: Bean-managed transactions include any stateful or stateless session beans with a transaction-type set to Bean. The bean specifies the transaction demarcations using the javax.transactin.UserTransaction interface.
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