Java Exceptions Interview Questions and Answers

What is an Exception? - Exceptions are errors that occur at runtime and disrupt the normal flow of execution of instructions in a program...
Checked Exceptions vs. Unchecked Exceptions - A checked exception is a subclass of Exception excluding class RuntimeException and its subclasses...
What is a user defined exception? - At times, depending on the need of a program, a programmer might need to create his own set of exceptions...
Different ways to generate an Exception - There are 3 ways in which the exceptions are generated:...
How are try, catch and finally block organized? - The try block is the region of code where exceptions can get produced. So most of the code of execution lies in this region...
What is a throw in an Exception block? - The different ways to use a throw are:...
What are Chained Exceptions? - When an application responds to an exception by throwing another exception, it is very useful to know when an exception caused another...
Purpose of the finally clause - The finally block is the region where the code that needs to be executed under any circumstance is written...