What are the types of JDBC drivers?

What are the types of JDBC drivers?

- The JDBC drivers vary the implementations due to the various operating systems and hardware platforms available.

There are four type of JDBC drivers as follows:

1. JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver:
- It is a Type 1 driver.
- The JDBC bridge is used to access ODBC drivers which are installed on each client machine.

2. JDBC-Native API :
- It is a Type 2 driver.
- The JDBC API calls are converted into the native C/C++ API calls, which are unique to the database.

3. JDBC-Net pure Java :
- It is a Type 3 driver. It uses a three-tier approach to access the database.
- The JDBC clients use the standard network to communicate with the middleware application server.

4. 100% Pure Java:
- It is a Type 4 driver.
- It is a pure java-based driver which directly communicates with the vendors database through socket connection.
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