What is a monitor?

What is a monitor?

- A monitor works as a lock on the data item.

- When a thread holds the monitor for some data item, other threads are locked out and cannot inspect or modify the data.

- A unique monitor is associated with every object. These objects must be synchronized.

- They are also used to coordinate threads to make sure that they don’t trip over each other accessing the same data.

- It is a class which is used in the context of concurrency.

It supports two kinds of thread synchronization:

1. Mutual exclusion
2. Cooperation

1. Mutual exclusion:

- It is supported on the JVM via object locks.
- It enables multiple threads to independently work with shared data.

2. Cooperation:

- It is supported on the JVM via the wait() and notify() methods of class object.
- It enables threads to work together towards a common goal.
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