What does the EnableViewStateMac setting in an aspx page do?

What does the EnableViewStateMac setting in an aspx page do?

EnableViewStateMac setting is a security measure in ASP.Net. It ensures the view state for a page not to tamper. To to so “ EnableViewStateMac=true “is used. ASP.net detects the change in the value of view state sent to the browser when Postback action takes place and raises an error – “Validation of view state MAC failed”.

What does the EnableViewStateMac setting in an aspx page do?

- EnableViewStateMac is a security measure used by ASP.NET in order to ensure that the viewstate for a page has not been tampered with.

- ASP.NET raises an error (Validation of viewstate MAC failed) if it detects that there has been a change in the value of viewstate that was sent to the browser.
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