MySQL - What is MySQL?

What is MySQL? Why do so many organizations use MySQL?

MySQL can be considered as a relational database management system. It can be used for both Windows and Linux. Managing database includes adding, accessing, and processing data in a database.


1. Highly efficient
2. Open source
3. Highly secured since All password traffic is encrypted connecting to a server.
4. Offers a high scalability in terms of size and connectivity.

How many storage types are present in MySQL? Define each in detail?

1. MyISAM – Manages the non transactional tables. It provides full text search searching abilities.
2. Memory storage – Formerly known as the HEAP engine, allows a collection of similar ISAM tables to be handled in a single table.
3. Example storage – Serves as an example that assists in writing new storage engines. You can create tables with this engine, but no data can be stored in them or retrieved from them.
4. CSV storage engine stores data using comma separated values.
5. The BLACKHOLE storage engine accepts but does not store data and retrievals always return an empty set.
6. NDCLUSTER is used to implement tables partitioned over many computers.

Explain the purpose of files having extensions .frm, .myd, .myi? What do these files contain?

1. .frm -> .frm extension files store the data dictionary information. This means that every time a table is created, the table’s definition is stored in the .frm extensions.

2. .myd-> Mysql database data file contains table rows data. Along with each .myd file there should be a .frm file containing the table structure and .myi containing the indexes.

3. .myi - MySQL index file contains information about the table indexes. It can also contain the statistics information. Along with each .myi file there should be a .frm file (containing the table structure) and a .myd file (containing row data).
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MySQL SELECT Statement - Retrieving Individual Columns, Retrieving multiple Columns, Retrieving ALL Columns, Retrieving Distinct Rows
MySQL sorting data
Sort data: The ORDER BY clause in MySQL can be used to sort the specified column.
MySQL where clause
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