MySQL manipulating data

Updating Database Data syntax with an example.

Update : Update statement is used to update existing data (row) in a table. It is used to update some column value by specifying a condition.

Update table_name
Set column_name1 = ‘value’, column_name2 =’value2’
Where column_name3 = ’value3’

Update customer
Set first_name=’john’
Where last_name=’james’;

Ignoring Update Errors syntax with an example.

Using the IGNORE keyword, update statement is executed and does not abort even if it encounters any errors. If any rows for which duplicate key issues occur they are ignored and rows which may cause any data conversion errors are updated with the closest values.

Update IGNORE table_name
Set column_name1= ‘value’, column_name2=’value2’
Where column_name3=’value3’

Deleting Database Data syntax with an example.

The database can be deleted using the DROP DATABASE syntax. It drops all tables. The user needs the DROP privilege to drop the database.


Here, the IF EXISTS is used to prevent errors in case the database does not exist.

List out guidelines for updating and deleting data in MySQL.

1. Updating and deleting data must be avoided without a where clause.
2. It should be ensured that every table has a primary key.
3. Before updating or delete, use the select clause to ensure the right data is returned.
4. The database enforced referential integrity must be obeyed to avoid the deletion of rows that have data in other tables related to them.
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