.Net Architecture - Answers to .Net Architecture related interview questions

A design pattern in Software is used to solve similar problems that occur in different scenarios. A design pattern is not a design that..
The difference between Factory and Abstract Factory Patterns lies in object instantiation......
Model View Controller is used to separate the interface from the business logic so as to give a better visual appearance.....
Singleton pattern restricts only one instance running for an object....
Prototype pattern is used to create copies of original instances known as clones. It is used when creating instances of a class is very complex.....
When A computer program is broken into distinct features that overlap in functionality is called as Separation of concerns. Aspect oriented programming (AOP) aims to improve.....
Windows Distributed internet Applications architecture provides a robust, efficient solution to enable Windows platform and Internet to work together using certain technologies.....
Service oriented architecture is based on services. Service is a unit of some task performed by a service provider in order to satisfy the consumer........
Three tier architecture typically consists of a client, server and “agent” between them. The agent is responsible for gathering the results and returning a single response to the agent....
Web services should be used if the application demands communication over a public network and require to work across multiple platforms...