Networking - Explain the different types of packets in EIGRP

Explain the different types of packets in EIGRP

- Hello Packets: EIGRP neighbor ship is discovered and maintained by Hello Packets. If the router fails to receive a hello packet within the hold timer, the corresponding router will be declared dead.

- Update Packets: At the time of discovering new neighbor, update packets are sent, so that the topology table can be built by the neighbor router. Update packets are unicast and always transmitted reliably.

- Query packets: When the destination goes into Active state, the query packets are sent. Query packets are multicast and replies are always sent in reply to the queries for indicating the originator that it does not need to go into Active state.

- Reply Packets: When the destination goes into Active state, the reply packets are sent. Reply packets are unicast to the originator of the query and transmission of reply packets are reliable.

- ACK packets: ACK packets use to know the transmission status. If a Hello packet sent without data is also recognized as acknowledgement. Unicast address with non-zero acknowledgement number is always sent by ACKs.
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