Class is a group of items, attributes of some entity. Object is any specific item that may or may not be a part of the class....
An object oriented system revolves around a Class and objects. A class is used to describe characteristics of any entity of the real world....
An Association is a relationship between similar objects or objects with common structures...
An Abstract class is only used for inheritance. This means it acts as a base class for its derived classes...
Following are the differences between abstract and interfaces...
Both Class and Structures can have methods, variables and objects...
Static classes are used when any change made to an object should not affect the data and functions of the class....
Operator overloading is the most evident example of Polymorphism.....
Object.Finalize method in .NET is typically used to clean and release unmanaged resources like OS files, window etc....
Dispose method belongs to IDisposable interface. It is used to free unmanaged resources like files, network connection etc.....