PHP inheritance

PHP inheritance

PHP inheritance introduction

Inheritance is a mechanism that extends and existing class. Inheriting a class would mean creating a new class with all functionality of the existing class in addition to some more. The created class is called as a subclass of the parent class. Parent is a keyword which we use to access members of a parent class. Inheritance is usually defined by using the keyword “Extend”. $this is used a reference to the calling object. Inheritance avoids redundancy of code.


Class employee extends manager : Here Employee is a subclass of manager.

Echo $this->name can be used to echo variable name of the parent class.

What type of inheritance that PHP supports? Provide an example.

PHP supports single level inheritance.

Inheriting a class would mean creating a new class with all functionality of the existing class in addition to some more. The created class is called as a subclass of the parent class. Parent is a keyword which we use to access members of a parent class. Inheritance is usually defined by using the keyword “Extend”. $this is used a reference to the calling object. Inheritance avoids redundancy of code.


Class employee extends manager : Here Employee is a subclass of manager.

Echo $this->name can be used to echo variable name of the parent class.
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Discussion Board
PHP Supports Multilevel inheritance
PHP can support single level, multilevel,hierarchical and hybrid inheritance but not multiple inheritance because of diamond problem.
Sagar Salunkhe 10-18-2016