Testing - What are the different kinds of variations used in SIX Sigma?

What are the different kinds of variations used in SIX Sigma?

The following are the kids of variations used in SIX Sigma:

Mean: The variations are measured and compared using the averaging techniques of mathematics. The measures are taken for a specific application and the mean is calculated

Median: The variations are measured and compared using the mid point in a given range of data. It is measured by finding the highest and lowest value then dividing it by two. The lowest value is added to the same

Range: The values of a specific data range. It is the difference between highest and lowest values in a specific data range.

Mode: Mode is the most occurred values in a given data range.

Six Sigma aims to deliver quality products to the customers. It also intends to reduce output variation by predicting process results. Processes here would be measure, analyze, improve and control, Variation here means how much has the output deviated from the actual. Six sigma means as the process deviation increases the sigma number is decreased. Having the sigma number as 6 would mean that there will be no items that don’t meet with the specifications.
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types of variation in six sigma
Best answer is:

1. Special cause variation
2. Common cause variation
Kevin Lehigh 09-23-2015
what are the different kinds of variations?
Reduction variations is the strategy of Six Sigma approach. Standard deviation which is a square root of variance is the measure of variations. The approach is to reduce the sigma value and the better process experience.
However , there are two other types of variations, namely, Operator origin variations ...measured as Reproducibility and Guage variations ...repeatability is another element of Guage variations coming from operator origin.Measurement system analysis deals withis types of variations.
There is another aspect of looking at the multiple sample variations by way of ANOVA
CR Parashuraman 10-5-2012