Unix Interview Questions and Answers - Part 2

What are the Unix system calls for I/O? - creat(name, permissions).......
How are devices represented in UNIX? - UNIX represents all devices as files........
Brief about the directory representation in UNIX - A UNIX directory is representing a file that consists of a correspondence between file names and inodes........
Discuss the mount and unmount system calls - The attaching of a file system to another file system is done by using mount system call.........
What are the process states in Unix? - UNIX has the following process states:.......
What is use of sed command? - Sed command in UNIX is commonly used for processing of files.........
What is 'inode'? - A file in UNIX is given a unique number.........
What are links and symbolic links in UNIX file system? - A link is a pointer or reference to another file.........
Explain fork() system call - fork() system call is used to create processes........
What is a zombie? - A zombie is a process which is completed the execution and still available in the process table........
How do you create special files like named pipes and device files? - Using the mknod command, special files can be created......
How do I use poll()? - Poll() in UNIX is used for to wait for some event on a file descriptor.........