VB.NET - Explain how to filter and sort data with the DataView component

Explain how to filter and sort data with the DataView component.

1. With DataView, you can expose the data in a table with different sort orders, and you can filter the data by row state or based on a filter expression.
2. DataTable.DefaultView Property is the DataView associated with a DataTable which can be used to sort and filter.
3. The DataView.RowFilter Property gets or sets the expression used to filter rows.
4. The RowFilter is conditioned against a value e.g.: "Name = 'John'"
5. After setting the RowFilter property, all rows that don’t match the condition are hidden by ADO.Net.
6. The Sort property expects a sort string to perform sorting.
e.g.: "Name ASC, Age DESC", where Name and Age are 2 columns.
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