What is the difference between a BPO and a call center? - Call Center FAQ

What is the difference between a BPO and a call center?

Call center is a subset of BPO.

What is off-shore outsourcing?

When a work process is out-sourced to a different country which is not nearby – it is called off-shore outsourcing. For e.g. If USA outsources a work process to India- it is off-shore outsourcing.

What is near shore outsourcing?

When a work process is out-sourced to a nearby country, it is called near shore outsourcing.

For e.g. If a business process is out-sourced from a company in USA to a company in Mexico or Canada – it is near shore outsourcing.

What is onshore outsourcing?

When a business process is outsourced from a company in one country to another country in the same country – it is called onshore outsourcing.
Why do you want to work in a call center? - Call Center FAQ
Why do you want to work in a call center? - Relate the qualities you have to the requirements of a call center job like, good command over the language(English), team working capabilities, patience, good listening skills etc..........
How do you rate your English skills? - Call Center FAQ
How do you rate your English skills? - Again, before you apply for a job to a call center you should be aware that most of the call centers cater to English speaking customers.........
Do you get along well with co-workers? - Call Center FAQ
Do you get along well with co-workers? - Getting along well with co-workers boils down to being a good team player..........
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Discussion Board
Good info
These are good and useful guides in applying to a call center. I hope these will help me in my interviews.
Estanislao Mejia 09-21-2016
call center help
Thanks for this it is very essential for interview
Zain Ahmed 08-22-2016
some help
its very good for facing interview,.. I dont have experience in the call centre, i would like to work in the call centre..when i was read this question and answer , i just feel nervous, because i dont know about call centre eg:inbounding, etc: but i would like to work. If i want to work what i have to do..
facon 10-8-2014