Our expert said - 12 Aug 16
When the interviewer seeks my criteria to look out for job change and asks my personal and family interest in my move, how should I reply?
The criteria for a job change is a tricky question. The reason for quitting the current employer or the previous organizations should not create an obstacle in the selection process during the current interview. The interviewer does not only mean the candidate’s reason for leaving old organization, but they might also evaluate the candidate’s stand in their company if they select them.

The criteria for the job change should not be any serious or bold remarks on any particular organization. There should not be any sharp comments for any role as the interviewer may find the candidate incapable of adjusting to the circumstances. Provide some reasons regarding self interest or challenges etc. which could be available in the profile applied for. Regarding the family or personal interests, it would be better to wind up bluntly saying that the family would be happy by candidate’s satisfaction in the job, whichever that may be.

Posted by: fgmopldo - 28 Feb 18

Posted by: fgmopldo - 28 Feb 18
-1 OR 2+174-174-1=0+0+0+1 --

Posted by: fgmopldo - 28 Feb 18
-1 OR 3+174-174-1=0+0+0+1 --

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