Our expert said - 19 Jun 17
The key to answer this question is to prepare seriously for the interview. Do a small exercise to answer this question effectively:

1. Study the job requirements carefully and make a list of skills required to deliver them.
2. Make a list of qualities you possess.
3. Match the two lists.
4. Whatever comes common is the reason for them to hire you.

If you fall short of experience or skills anywhere offer your quick learning skills as the solution.

Hope this helps!

Posted by: fgmopldo - 28 Feb 18

Posted by: fgmopldo - 28 Feb 18
-1 OR 2+93-93-1=0+0+0+1 --

Posted by: fgmopldo - 28 Feb 18
-1 OR 3+93-93-1=0+0+0+1 --

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