Our expert said - 12 Aug 16
The hobbies are a bit relaxing question which does not carry much weightage to the selection. Unless the hobby hamper the work schedule, the selection would not rely on this criteria. Yet, the candidates can make out this opportunity to a positive one by gaining some good impression through this.

The novels can me quoted for the last book read, but if the candidate can put forth some related books like a business related book when applying for the managerial profile could give some better impression. It might give an impression that the candidate is on a look out to shape their personality in their leisure time. Hobbies could be any, these questions would also mean that the candidate does not always indulge in work and also has some social and personal life.

Posted by: fgmopldo - 28 Feb 18

Posted by: fgmopldo - 28 Feb 18

Posted by: fgmopldo - 28 Feb 18
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