Cost accountancy interview questions and answers

Cost accountancy is the application of costing and cost accounting principles, methods and techniques to the science…
Cost centre is defined as a location, machine, person, department, division, or any equipment or group…
Impersonal Cost Centre: consist items of impersonal nature like an equipment or location…
Direct Cost are all the expenses which can be identified with the individual product…
Fixed Cost is the cost which remains constant ...Variable Cost is the cost which varies directly in proportion ...Semi-variable Cost is the cost which is neither fixed nor variable in nature
Controllable Cost are the costs which can be influenced by the action...Uncontrollable Cost are the costs which cannot be influenced by the action..
Normal Cost are the normal or regular costs which are incurred in the normal conditions…
Opportunity Cost is the cost incurred by the organisation when one alternative is selected over another..
Sunk Cost is the sum that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered by any decision made now or in future. …
Following things should be taken into consideration while installing a costing system:..