What is idle time? How are its causes classified?

What is idle time? How are its causes classified?

Idle time indicates that time for which wages are paid to the workers but no production is obtained during that time.

Following are the causes of idle time:

- Due to machine break down

- Power failures

- Waiting for instructions

- Waiting for tools or raw materials to start the production

- Economic Causes includes: Seasonal, cyclical or industrial nature.

- Administrative decisions are also a big cause of idle time.
How is the cost of idle time calculated?
If the idle time payment is normal and controllable: it should be classified as overheads …
What are the various methods of remunerating the workers?
Various methods of remunerating the workers are: Remuneration on Time Basis, Remuneration on Work Basis
Explain time rate system of remuneration
Under Time Rate System, a worker is paid at a specific rate on the basis of time attended irrespective of the production achieved by him..
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Idle time and causes
Difinition givens are easy to understand and ilike it very much
Hriata_Colney 05-9-2015
Idle time and causes
Difinition givens are easy to understand and ilike it very much
Hriata_Colney 05-9-2015