Management of receivables questions and answers

Receivables are amounts owed to the company by the customers to who company sell goods or services…
Float is the time gap in the receivables management and these can be in the following forms:…
Credit terms are the conditions under which the company extends the credit given to the customer…
Every company operates to maximize its profit by increasing sales. In order to increase its sales company gives credit to its customers….
Factoring is a process whereby a business (Seller) sells its accounts receivables to a third party (called factor) at a discount in exchange…
The steps involved in factoring operations are:…
Following are the advantages of factoring :...Factoring is a way to finance requirement of working capital of the company in respect of receivables….
Eastern Zone – Allahabad Bank...Western Zone – State Bank of India…
Following are the different sources available for financing the receivables:…
Techniques to monitor the receivables are available on macro basis and micro basis….