100 more Mumbai locals on the anvil

Q.  Indian Railways is set to add how many more additional trains on its suburban network in Mumbai?
- Published on 29 Sep 17

a. 90
b. 95
c. 100
d. 110

100 more Mumbai locals on the anvilIn a major boost to suburban rail services in Mumbai area, Indian Railways is introducing one hundred additional local train services on its Mumbai suburban network of Western Railway and Central Railway zones.

With these additional services, the total suburban services in Mumbai of Western Railway and Central Railway put together will increase from existing 2983 services to 3083 suburban services.

These services will be launched on 29th September 2017.

Out of these 100 services, thirty two new services will be introduced on Western Railway while sixty eight services will be introduced on Central Railway.

‘On Western Railway’, seventeen services will be introduced from 1st October, 2017 in ‘up’ direction and fifteen services will be introduced in ‘down’ direction from 1st October, 2017.

In all, thirty two new services will be introduced in Western Railway.

Western Railway presently runs 1323 sub-urban services. After addition of these services, the total sub-urban services on Western Railway will reach up to 1355.

‘On Central Railway’, fourteen suburban services will be introduced on ‘harbour line’ from 2nd October, 2017, fourteen suburban services will be introduced on ‘trans-harbour line’ from 2nd October, 2017, sixteen suburban services on ‘main line’ will be introduced from 1st November, 2017 and twenty four suburban services on ‘harbour’ and ‘trans-harbour lines’ will be introduced from 31st January, 2018.

In all, sixty eight services will be introduced in Central Railway. Central Railway presently runs 1660 sub-urban services.

After addition of these services, the total sub-urban services on Central Railway will reach up to 1728.

Introduction of these new suburban services will benefit 77 lakh commuters travelling daily over Mumbai suburban network by reducing congestion and providing faster commute.

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