2 experts quit Panama Papers probe

Q.  Who quit the Panama Papers probe in August 2016?
- Published on 09 Aug 16

a. Mossack Fonseca
b. Jospeh Stiglitz
c. Mark Pieth
d. Both b and c

ANSWER: Both b and c
Joseph Stiglitz, Mark Pieth quit Panama Probe citing lack of transparency and accountability.
  • Stiglitz and Swiss anti-corruption expert Mark Pieth joined a seven-member commission tasked with probing Panama's notoriously opaque financial system, but they say they found the government unwilling to back an open investigation.
  • Both quit the group after they say Panama refused to guarantee the committee's report would be made public.
  • The Panama Papers cover a period of almost 40 years, from 1977 until December 2015, and show that some companies set up in tax havens with the help of Mossack Fonseca may have been used for money laundering, arms and drug deals as well as tax evasion.

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