445 species new to science identified in 2015

Q.  How many species new to science have been discovered in India in 2015?
- Published on 04 Jul 16

a. 450
b. 445
c. 460
d. 470

445 species new to science identified in India in 2015 includes 2626 animal species and 183 plant species. Four species of reptiles, six species of amphibians and 26 species of fishes as well as three species of wild ginger and three of figs were discovered.
  • The most discoveries are in the Eastern Himalayan region accounting for 19 percent of the total discoveries
  • Notable additions to the list of animals include rock gecko, new frog species from the Western Ghats and a new species of fish here as well.
  • Among the plants, a new species of ginger was found in South Garo hills of Meghalaya and a species of mushroom has been collected from North Sikkim at the altitude of 2829m.
  • Scientists at BSI and ZSI discovered species across the country; for the ZSI scientists, another important fact was that 15 percent of the new species are higher vertebrates
  • ZSI director Kailash Chandra said that new discoveries reflect the faunal diversity potential of ecosystems in the nation.
  • India is home to 97,514 species of animals

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