4th Indian Hydrocarbon Conference concluded in Delhi

Q.  The 4th India Africa Hydrocarbons Conference has been concluded between India and which other nation in the field of hydrocarbons?
- Published on 25 Jan 16

a. Africa
b. South Africa
c. West Africa
d. North Africa

ANSWER: Africa
The 4th India Africa Hydrocarbons Conference concluded in New Delhi today with a resolve to strengthen the relations between India and Africa in all its dimensions, particularly in the Hydrocarbons sector .The 4th India -Africa Hydrocarbons Conference was organised in New Delhi on January 21- 22, 2016. A total of 21 African countries participated in the event. The event saw enthusiastic representation from Africa at various levels including Ministers of Petroleum, Petroleum regulators, CEOs of National Oil Companies and experts in the field of petroleum. The delegations of 9 African countries ¬ Mauritius, Morocco, Algeria, Sudan, South Sudan, Tunisia, Senegal, Equatorial Guinea and Liberia ¬ were headed by the respective Ministers. Senior officials led the delegations from Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Egypt, Tanzania, Kenya, Mozambique, Uganda, Libya, Cote d’Ivory, Gabon & Sierra Leone.

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