7th International Ground Water Conference 2017 held
Q. The 7th International Groundwater Conference was hosted in India following what theme?- Published on 14 Dec 17a. Ground water Vision 2030 - Water Security, Challenges and Climate Change Adaptation
b. Ground water Vision 2020 - Water Security, Challenges and Climate Change Adaptation
c. Ground water Vision 2031 - Water Security, Challenges and Climate Change Adaptation
d. Ground water Vision 2040 - Water Security, Challenges and Climate Change Adaptation
ANSWER: Ground water Vision 2030 - Water Security, Challenges and Climate Change Adaptation

The 7
th International Ground Water Conference (IGWC-2017) was hosted by India in New Delhi from December 11 to 13, 2017.
The theme of conference was "Ground water Vision 2030- Water Security, Challenges and Climate Change Adaptation".
IGWC Conference- The conference was organized by National Institute of Hydrology (NIH), Roorkee and Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) under aegis of Union Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation.
- The delegates from 15 countries participated in the conference and 250 research papers were presented, including 32 Keynote papers.
- The conference took stock of present status and challenges of Groundwater management in the country under the changing water use and climatic scenarios.
- The conference discussed these burning issues in 10 focal themes spread.
- It looked into synergistic policy options between various sectors linked with water resources in country and drew a roadmap to address these challenges for sustainable development goals of 2030.