Aadhaar use for EPF, MGNREGS, PDS, LPG, Jan Dhan Yojna

Q.  For which of the following schemes Supreme court has allowed to use Aadhaar identity cards?

1. EPF
3. PDS
4. LPG
5. Jan Dhan Yojna

- Published on 20 Oct 15

a. 1,3,4
b. 2,3,4
c. 3,4,5
d. All

The Supreme Court modified its order on the use of Aadhaar identity cards, bringing within its fold four additional social welfare benefit schemes:

1. Provident fund
2. Pension schemes
3. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
4. Jan Dhan Yojana.
Earlier its use is restricted to the Public Distribution System (PDS) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

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