Abbreviate AWT - Abstract Windowing Toolkit

Q.  Give the abbreviation of AWT?
- Published on 22 Jul 15

a. Applet Windowing Toolkit
b. Abstract Windowing Toolkit
c. Absolute Windowing Toolkit
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Abstract Windowing Toolkit


  • Nirja Shah   -Posted on 15 Dec 15
    The Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) supports Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming. AWT features include:

    1. A set of native user interface components.
    2. A robust event-handling model.
    3. Graphics and imaging tools, including shape, color, and font classes.
    4. Layout managers, for flexible window layouts that do not depend on a particular window size or screen resolution.
    5. Data transfer classes, for cut-and-paste through the native platform clipboard.

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