AC applications - continuously magnetized materials - Material Science

Q.  The materials are continuously magnetized throughout the operation in
- Published on 05 Aug 15

a. DC applications
b. AC applications
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above

ANSWER: AC applications


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 07 Oct 15
    Ferromagnetic materials whose domain walls move are called as soft magnets and materials having less mobile domain walls are called as hard magnets.

    The soft magnetic materials are used in AC and DC applications. The material is magnetized and later on demagnetized after the operation in DC applications. Electromagnet on a crane is an example of D C application which is switched on to attract scrap steel and is switched off to release the scrap material.

    But in AC applications, the materials are continuously magnetized from one direction to other throughout the operation. A power supply transformer is an example of AC application.

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