Advantages/limitations of V-belts

Q.  Which of the following statements is/are true for V-belts?
- Published on 19 Oct 15

a. V-belt drives have low reduction ratio
b. Due to wedging action slip is negligible in V-belts
c. V-belt transmits power over long centre distances
d. All of the above

ANSWER: Due to wedging action slip is negligible in V-belts


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 05 Oct 15
    • V-belts have no slippage and alignment problems as observed in flat belts. Slipping is negligible due to wedging action. Power transmitting capacity increases due to wedging action due to smaller arc of contact and increases pulling capacity of belt.

    • They have high reduction ratios up to 7:1 and have positive drive.

    • These belts cannot transmit power over long centre distances.

    • V-belts have low efficiency than flat belt drives and ranges between 80 % to 96 %.

    • V- belts are used to drive compressors, drive blowers.

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