Alternative to pure mechanical designs for simplification

Q.  What is used to make considerable simplification in the devices such as watches and cameras etc. as compared to pure mechanical designs?
- Published on 15 Sep 15

a. Actuators with electrical auxiliary energy
b. Amplifiers with electrical auxiliary energy
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Both a. and b.


  • Pankaj Chaugule   -Posted on 24 Nov 15
    - As the systems in the devices such as watches and cameras are very small and complicated, there is a need of an amplification.

    - It cannot be done by pure mechanical designs.

    - Therefore, both the amplifiers and actuators with electrical auxiliary energy are used for considerable amplification in the devices like watches, cameras, electrical typewriters, etc.

    - The microcomputers which are in connection with decentralized electrical drives are introduced for the result of a considerable amplification in the mechanics such as watches, automatic gears, etc.

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